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Frontal area pain may indicate a disease or cause.

by usquebaugh 2023. 4. 6.

Headache says that there is pain somewhere in the head, but there must be a lot of people who have felt pain only in one part of the head, such as the forehead or forehead, not the whole head .

@ Throbbing pain only around the forehead

@ severe headache and fever

@ sudden headache . In severe cases, vomiting may occur .

What could be the cause of such symptoms ?

Diseases that cause pain in the forehead

Disorders that can cause frontal headache include :

In some cases, there may be pain in other areas as well .

common cause

Common causes of frontal headaches include tension headaches , migraines , cluster headaches , sinusitis , and herpes zoster .

tension headache

Tension headache is a type of chronic headache that occurs when you are stressed or in the same position for a long time . The main symptoms are squeezing pain and a feeling of heaviness in the head, but eye strain , dizziness and mild nausea may also occur .


Migraine is a type of chronic headache that causes throbbing pain .

The main symptom is headache, which is pain localized to one or both sides of the head or the back of the head . You may also feel pain in your temple , behind your eyes, or between your eyebrows . In some cases, it may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting .

The frequency of pain varies from person to person . Some people do it rarely, while others do it once or twice a week .

cluster headache

Cluster headaches are severe, throbbing headaches that spread around the eyes to the front and sides of the head .

The main symptom is recurrent headaches, characterized by a pattern of headaches that occur in certain seasons or at certain times and disappear at other times . Symptoms other than headaches include red eyes , watery eyes , sweating , and flushing of the face .


Sinusitis is a viral or bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the sinuses around the nose . Sinusitis can be acute or chronic, but acute sinusitis is a major cause of frontal headaches .

There are 4 paranasal sinuses, and frontal sinuses occur when inflammation occurs in the frontal sinus located between the eyebrows . The main symptoms are pain , runny nose , nasal congestion, etc. , and fever may appear depending on the symptoms .


Shingles is a disease caused by the varicella - zoster virus .

This is also the virus that causes chickenpox , but the virus remains dormant in the body of a person who has had chickenpox in the past and develops into shingles when reactivated for some reason .

The main symptoms are a tingling pain , red rash , and blisters, usually on the left or right side of the body .

It can occur anywhere on the body, but can also occur on the head and face . Because pain alone is often preceded by skin symptoms such as blisters, it can be thought of as a headache .

Headache causes to watch out for

Forehead pain is caused by diseases that require attention, such as cerebrovascular disease , moyamoya disease , brain tumor , and meningitis .

cerebrovascular accident

Cerebrovascular disease is a collective term for cerebral infarction , cerebral hemorrhage , and subarachnoid hemorrhage, and is also called stroke .

Headaches caused by these diseases are often accompanied by severe pain , and symptoms such as slurred speech , difficulty speaking , abnormal vision , and quadriplegia often appear . .

Where your head hurts depends on the area where the disease occurs , but in any case, if you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor immediately .

Moyamoya disease

Moyamoya disease is a disease in which the internal carotid artery, an important blood vessel in the brain, gradually narrows, resulting in poor blood flow to the brain .

The main symptoms are different in children and adults . In children, limbs may become weak and speech problems may appear when crying or breathing . They also often complain of morning headaches .

In the case of adults, symptoms often do not appear as clearly as in children , and they are said to appear in many cases after severe diseases such as cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage have occurred . Seek medical attention early if you see double objects , are prone to falling , or feel sudden numbness in your limbs .

brain tumor

A brain tumor is a tumor of the brain or meninges and includes both benign and malignant tumors .

When the size of the tumor is small, there are often no subjective symptoms, but when symptoms do appear, headache , nausea / vomiting , and blurred vision are common .


Meningitis is a disease in which the meninges and cerebrospinal fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord become inflamed and inflamed . The main symptoms are severe headache , fever , neck pain and seizures .

This is a disease that requires immediate medical attention, so if you have any symptoms that apply to you, see a doctor immediately .

Health Checkup Tips and Precautions

If you experience serious symptoms such as severe headache, see a doctor immediately .

If you have regular recurring headaches or if the pain persists for some reason, see your doctor .

Neurosurgery is appropriate if headache is the main symptom , but it may be difficult to see a doctor at a non-general hospital . If you can't find a doctor nearby or can't get one right away, it might be a good idea to first consult with a local internal medicine clinic or family medical institution .

What you need to tell your doctor is when and what symptoms appeared and , if repeated, if there are other symptoms, such as the frequency and timing .

Causes and countermeasures in daily life

Headaches can also be caused by stress or hormonal changes in daily life .

due to stress

When stress builds up, the balance of the autonomic nervous system collapses and the quality of sleep can fall . These can cause headaches .

when you are stressed

When you are stressed, it is effective to get away from the source of stress and recharge yourself .

Listening to your favorite music , taking a long bath , and getting some exercise can make you feel refreshed . If the cause is a problem at work or in a relationship, just being listened to by a friend can make you feel better .

It is also said that relaxation is easier just by taking slow, deep breaths with abdominal breathing .

changes in hormonal balance

It is said that when the balance of hormones is disrupted due to menstruation , ovulation , menopause, etc., the blood vessels in the brain dilate and headaches are likely to occur .

If you think it may be due to a hormonal imbalance

Avoid stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine . It is also good to warm up or stretch if you have a cold , tension , or stiff shoulders .

If menopause is the cause, it is said that it is good to try to do aerobic exercise such as a balanced diet and yoga .

Anyway, if you feel that your headache is related to the menstrual cycle or menopause, you can get treatment by consulting a gynecologist at least once .

when it doesn't get better

If the headache does not go away after taking the necessary measures, there may be an unexpected cause behind it . Let's talk at the hospital first .


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