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Causes of eyebrow pain (glabellar pain) due to diseases.

by usquebaugh 2023. 4. 6.

Pain between the eyebrows could be caused by a number of things, including eye strain, sinus pressure, or an underlying disease. If the pain is sudden and throbbing, it could be due to a cold or flu. However, if the pain is frequent, especially after long periods of computer work, it is more likely to be caused by eye strain. In order to properly treat the pain, it is important to identify the underlying cause. This may involve visiting a healthcare professional, who can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options. In addition, taking regular breaks from computer work and practicing good eye hygiene can help prevent eye strain and reduce the risk of developing pain between the eyebrows in the future.

Causes of Eyebrow Pain

Many disorders that cause pain between the eyebrows involve the brain and nerves, as well as nasal issues.

Brain and Neurological Disorders

These disorders include migraine, cerebral hemorrhage/subarachnoid hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, brain tumor, and meningitis.


Migraines cause throbbing pain in the temples and eyebrows. Other symptoms may include pain behind the eyes, nausea/vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound.

Brain Hemorrhage

Brain hemorrhage can be caused due to cerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage. One of the common symptoms is a severe headache which can be felt between the eyebrows or in many other places.

Other symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, dizziness, numbness/tingling in the limbs, and speech difficulties (aphasia) may also be present depending on the site and amount of bleeding.

It is important to note that bleeding in the brain's blood vessels can lead to loss of consciousness and respiratory failure which can be fatal. If any of these symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention from a cerebrovascular surgeon or emergency room, or call an ambulance in case of an emergency.

Cerebral Infarction

A stroke is a brain disease caused by blockage of blood vessels. It can cause paralysis, numbness, and weakness in limbs. Language-related symptoms, such as poor or slurred speech, affect about half of patients. Headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting are also common.

Brain Tumor

A brain tumor is an abnormal mass of cells that can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and vomiting due to increased pressure in the skull. Headaches may be particularly strong upon awakening and may cause pain in the head and eyebrows. Depending on the location of the tumor, other symptoms may include numbness or paralysis of the limbs, difficulty speaking and walking, and vision problems.


Meningitis is a disease that inflames the protective membrane, called meninges, surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It's usually caused by bacteria and its symptoms include headaches, neck pain, nausea/vomiting, fever, cramps, and rash. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of these symptoms as meningitis requires early treatment.

Causes of Pain Between the Eyebrows

Pain between the eyebrows can be caused by sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses. Sinuses are four spaces around the nose: maxillary sinus, ethmoid sinus, frontal sinus, and sphenoid sinus. Sinusitis often causes symptoms such as a stuffy or runny nose, sticky mucus, phlegm, cough, and pain between the eyebrows.

Health Checkup Tips and Precautions

Seek immediate medical attention if you experience severe pain between your eyebrows or other strong symptoms, as untreated brain diseases can often be fatal. If the pain persists for a long time, see a doctor, even if the symptoms are not severe.

For urgent cases requiring an ambulance, seek a neurosurgeon. If you cannot find one, consult an internal medicine or home medical institution first.

When describing your symptoms during an examination, provide detailed information about how the pain appeared, when it started, when it is most painful, and what other symptoms you are experiencing.

Causes and countermeasures for pain between eyebrows in daily life

Pain between eyebrows is common in daily life and can be caused by stiff shoulders, eye strain, hormonal imbalances or lack of sleep.

Stiff shoulders and eye strain

Stiff shoulders and neck are caused by muscle fatigue and poor blood circulation. When the nerve is compressed, it causes pain in the back of the head, temple or between the eyebrows. Tired eyes can also cause headaches.

Relieving stiff shoulders or eyestrain

Improve blood flow to relieve stiffness in the shoulder or neck. Try light stretching, such as raising your hands or turning your shoulders.

Eye strain can be caused by prolonged computer use or wearing glasses or contact lenses with the wrong prescription. Take action by reducing the amount of time spent looking at the screen or changing the prescription of glasses or contact lenses to match.

Hormonal imbalances

Reduced secretion of estrogen causes a decrease in serotonin secretion in the brain. Serotonin suppresses pain and regulates blood vessel constriction, so when its secretion is reduced, the occipital region, temple, and between the eyebrows become hypersensitive to pain.

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by various factors such as stress and diet. If you suspect your pain between your eyebrows is due to hormonal imbalances, it is recommended to take active measures. These include increasing your free time, listening to people around you to relieve stress, or trying to eat a balanced diet.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can easily disrupt the autonomic nervous system. Abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system are thought to be one of the causes of headaches. It is not uncommon for various systemic symptoms to appear in addition to headaches.

If you feel sleep deprived

If you feel sleep deprived, try to get some sleep time. To improve the quality of sleep, it is also important to prepare a sleeping environment that suits you. Oversleeping and lack of sleep can both cause headaches. Even if you lack sleep, avoid excessive sleep and aim for 6-8 hours of sleep per night.

When symptoms persist

Pain between the eyebrows often stems from everyday life, but there is a possibility that it may be caused by an illness. If there is no improvement even after taking the measures mentioned above, consider visiting a hospital.

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